Wednesday, September 29, 2010

doodle scraps!

these are some sketches that I did during my headmistress's retiring ceremony!
this was done like 352389478932 years ago!

this is one of my german shepards!
sam sam XD
he was named after the sam in I AM LEGEND which will smith starred in!
the dog was so loyal T3T

that's my cat! she's sleeping on my chair!!!!
my bro took the photo cos she looks like she's diving XD

just wanted to post some pictures...
Im dying of stress now! cos school just announced that exams would be on 18th of October till 2nd of November!!! ZOMGWTHBBQMYEYESAREGONNAGOBLIND!!!!!!!!
at first, the whole gombak district was having exams on 25th! and for some miraculous reason, it was brought front T3T WTH!
I even scheduled everything nicely! T3T
I have to reschedule!!! hope I dont drop classes....
and tadaaa... some old fart


  1. Waah. poor headmistress. You made her sound so old. HAHHAHA! OMG CAT!

  2. waa i love your sketches!..
    please complete it..fff
