Monday, January 31, 2011


silence is gold~ yay to william....
donno what shit Im talking about =w= dont mind me! :X
william white is a new OC... just thought of doodling him and trying new hair art... still vomit material and prototype mode ;//A//;
I only designed him and smith when inspiration struck in the toilet =3=
they're hitmen/assassins or sth =3= blame my retarded brain :p
my pencil art is so much beta compared to this poop..


Thursday, January 20, 2011

birthday celebration!!! one day early :D

pufufufu~ starts off with big photo :D
well, my birthday is actually tomorrow ^^
but since today was a holiday! well, what the heck! :D
these are practically my friends ^^ parents are working :3 culprits who threw the party for me ^^ the small dude with the glasses is my annoying but lovely bro :D I was too embarrassed to be on camera XD

I slays a monster.. I mean my cake! :D
delicious soft sponge cake ;//A//;
Just wanted to try out most outrageous samurai-ish way to cut a cake >w<

off to McD people!!!! sees my half eaten burger??
I actually ordered a spicy mcdeluxe, but my bro ordered this by mistake and guess who had to make a sacrifice :p

curly fries is beta!! =w=b
thanks to that pile of calory packed killer potatoes!
I got a soar throat as a birthday present!!!! OH THE JOY =3=

we serve french fries :D
peace out!!!

evil friend with evil camera~~~ slurps my soda!!

justice league unite!!!!
failz bruce wayne wannabes =w=b

for some unknown reason...
I still think this isnt fitted for the occasion =w=
maybe easter bunny card=bunny year..

look at thish!!!! such a cute handmade card!!!! cries a river a joy!!!

in the end! I'd like to thank all of you :D
who went to great insane heights to give me this sweet party ^^
although the great fast food gave me a soar throat :D
still~ LOVE U GUYS X3
u will never hear of this in real life for your information :3

(p/s: miang.... u still owe me a picture =3=)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tomorrow ish Thaipusam

YAY!!!! HOLIDAY!!!! cries tears of joy \@u@/
gonna try to study all day tomorrow before going to McD to celebrate my birthday ^^
and I've got tuition too TTnTT

well, another doodle sketch!
friend's OC ^^
donno wat name to give him though XD

Monday, January 17, 2011

emlyn marc grahaem!!!!

emlyn marc grahaem!!! yes, I written his name wrong in the picture... EPIC FAILZ...
seru's childhood friend...
has a crush on her ^^ yesh, emmie's shy @u@
crimson's half bro...
has a dog named boggie :D
great accuracy with gun and knives...

more to come... parents are gonna be back soon @A@!!!

hope u like it tachibana!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

hello thar.... emerges from grave

hehez.. it's almost the second week of school @u@
kinda great and horrible at the same time :D
good side is I get to hang out with my homies..
bad side is THE HOMEWORK IS FLOODING MY ROOM!!!!!! I barely have time to do other stuff thanks to them.. sulks in a corner :3

btw, my drawing skills have practically been vomitted out of my guts... it looks like SHIT now TnT
blame for not practicing.... cries a river cos failz resolution.....

well, gotta study physics @u@ momentum and inertia crap =3=
nothing much happening now... I'll post stuff if there's anything interesting events on my birthday :D kisses goodbye to beautiful youth~~~

Thursday, January 6, 2011



seriously, form 5 life is kinda stressful... well, not now actually.. but it starts creeping into my mind day by day... slowly engulfing me into going mad XD
I'd be like, "god, exam's gonna start soon and I'm still sleeping" whenever I get up in the morning for school

but I do bring ref books to school to do revision cos most of my teachers arent around.. they're busy marking SPM papers away ~(=w=)~ furururururu

plus, of all times.. I play kingdom hearts 2 now!!! cos it's easier and using roxas is cooler than sora! he hasnt appeared yet ^^ namine's really cute too!!!!
my bro's beta with the first kingdom hearts due to his awesome hand eye coordination and fly jump kill poses OTL!

I barely go online now @u@ one is cos Im under restriction by papa sama! other is I've got this inner tiny self that frantically shouts.. STUDYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! >:D
plus!! the worst of all... I havent been really drawing since school started~ fururu...I only doodle in school... ohohoho.... new years resolution to improve drawing skills EPIC FAILZ DESU..... well, I can always draw after SPM... =3=

and imma sign out desu!!! gotta start with my chemistry... have forgotten all about it! and KINGDOM HEARTS 2 TOMORROW!!!! ROXAS!!!!! SORA!!!!! EVERYONE FFFFFF!!!! <33333

birthday coming soon...anyone can draw me Kingdom Hearts 2 fanart??? I'll accept anything TTuTT... hehez! JKJK :D


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kingdom Hearts galore!!

since my house got broken in yesterday, my parents.. ( including me ) thought it was no longer safe to be home alone with my bro.. so me and my bro went to my super worried friend's house XD
guess what, her bro got a PS2 from Aussie and he brought it back for the summer holidays! hoozah~
we played kingdom hearts all day!!!! XD
Sora is really cute but I gotta say the graphics are much better in the second edition :3 yet, it was still fun while my friend read the FAQ while me and my bro played like crazy people trying to find potions and places =w=

the worst part was finding the mushroom... kairi needed three and we used god knows how long to find the third one... not knowing it was under our noses all along!! OTL

will continue on thursday!! cant wait for the game XD