Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kingdom Hearts galore!!

since my house got broken in yesterday, my parents.. ( including me ) thought it was no longer safe to be home alone with my bro.. so me and my bro went to my super worried friend's house XD
guess what, her bro got a PS2 from Aussie and he brought it back for the summer holidays! hoozah~
we played kingdom hearts all day!!!! XD
Sora is really cute but I gotta say the graphics are much better in the second edition :3 yet, it was still fun while my friend read the FAQ while me and my bro played like crazy people trying to find potions and places =w=

the worst part was finding the mushroom... kairi needed three and we used god knows how long to find the third one... not knowing it was under our noses all along!! OTL

will continue on thursday!! cant wait for the game XD

Sunday, December 26, 2010

artblock =3=

dont ask.. artblock
and also random practice on tabby =3=

yay.... I FINISHED IT!!!!!!

took me three nights WTH =3=
I sleep at 1.30 because of this....
hehez.. will try to apply more colourful color... the colors I used here makes my picture kinda dark and moody... XD

on we go with MOAR stuff to draw TTnTT

Thursday, December 23, 2010

DRRR merry christmas

this took me one whole day just to sketch... WTH =3=
it's a secret santa project... LOOK AT ALL THE PEOPLE IN THAR!!!
hope my partner will like it ^^
it's just to make up my inability to draw guys in aprons =w=

will post colored after watercoloring it ^^ have to make it by christmas!!!
oh the wonders of procrastination!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


rofl... dont ask =w=
just a random WIP.....
I injured my finger again... ZOMGWTFBBQ!!! =3=

Monday, December 20, 2010

Comic fiesta 2010 snippets


buehehehehehehe~ just got to Manhattan Hall at 10 ^^
was wondering how to get there~ then thank goodness me and my friend spotted some cosplayers... but we had to ask for directions from the information booth =3=

hahahas!!! first victim to take a picture with me @u@ it's shizu chan!!! still sad no one cosplayed izaya =3=

look at all the cute models!!! these were displayed where they had a danny choo notebook thing =w= his booth was cute and awesome with all these!! :D
however... they're cute but very very expensive TTnTT
btw.. I just found out danny choo is jimmy choo's son! >w< what are the odds??

LOOK AT ALL THE PEOPLE!!!!!! it was seriously packed there on Saturday!!! could hardly breathe >3< I always got lost and couldnt find my friend and bro :3 there were too many stuff catching my attention!
apparently, hyu had to ask for a search announcement =3= the man was like " shimun, ur wearing a red jacket... I donno how the hell they know what ur wearing~ but pls come to the dj council immediately! :D " I was both embarrassed and laughing XD
do u spot me in the picture? :D

a very beautiful ciel phantomhive indeed!!! my friend couldnt resist XD
look!! thar's a reindeer on her head!!! ohohohoho XD

giant domo!!!!!! the dude in the suit cant see by the way XD

we practically dragged my bro to take photos with every guy who dressed like some character from counter strike XD he's a gun freak.. so ya... it's a new experience for him :3

this was just epic!! we stumbled upon a guy who was registering his name in a contest and we borrowed his helmet XD rofl!!!

for your information... it's a man in a dress XD
I've seen four doing it!!! there was even one man... wearing long hair, tube top, revealing practically his whole slim body in a short mini skirt =n= he looked sexy in the distant... until I heard his gruff voice =q=

couldnt resist!!! katana woot woot!!!!

took photo with america from APH!!! for some reason she looks like me XD
I wonder if we're long lost sisters :D

fellow dA tomo!!!! izzyannie ^^
she was like... WHATLACHOO WHATLACHOO WHATLACHOO... cos I had to get some lunch ^^
a start of a beautiful friendship TTwTT

the guy in the hat was good looking XD mafia man!

star wars trooper galore!!!! the helmet had those robot sound effects!!! wants one so badly.

look!!! the APH crew XD China, Hong Kong, and England~ :D

and last but not least!
my friend, hyu wanted to go to pavillion to see the christmas deco.... awesome I know =w=
imagine if they were pure gold deco =3= the money $$$

Im gonna go to CF 2011!!! it was such a fun event and Im really happy ^^
will cosplay next year after I cut off some flap off my smoked ham arms @u@
my bro wants to be darth vader! rofl.. I AM UR FATHER! >w<

wish all of u a merry merry christmas and happy new year ^^
school's gonna start TTnTT
p/s: seriously need to improve my photo taking pose... look at all the peace signs!! QAQ!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

stuff I bought in CF XD

buehehehehe~ will post what I bought first cos I've got tons of CF pictures to post =3=
kinda used up my money TTnTT still sad that I just bought so little stuff...and here we go!!!

I got to meet both my dA idols =w= kid-chan and kunisaki!!! I was overjoyed when I saw them!! I bought their artbooks and they even autographed it!! ;A; tears of joy!

these are some side stuff I bought ^^ 4 buttons!! I know... I loves IZAYA!!!!!
a print from loveariddle and a bookmark from ryo-hakkai's booth >3<

my bro bought a roxas badge and a lag seeing badge ^^ behold the tegami bachi craze @u@

and he even went and gacha-ed these... a mustang and a dude from gintama who loves mayonnaise.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


after watching tegami bachi =3=
I've been crazy about lag and zazie... THEY LOOK SO CUTE!!!!!

apparently, lag wanted to sneak into the church... but girls were only allowed!
so he dressed up as one and zazie said he looked cute Q//w//Q

zazie just went overboard XD
and thus... I love them both thanks to his epic "I wont let u lay a finger on my little sweetheart!!" X3 ZOMGWTFBBQ!!! epic nosebleed to death

I keep drawing them =A= cos Gauche is so difficult to draw with his giant hat and bird nest hair~ still too hawt XD

tegami bachi is awesome!!! besides the cute characters.. I love the epic horses :D
they have horses with afro, sideburns, and even spiky hair XD
u name it they've got it!! the plot is great too :3
made me cry in one episode cos the stories are touching... and lag always cries OTL =w=
he's a crybaby and he always crys with sylvette (gauche's lil sis):3

and now to pray that gauche will remember everything and end the story with a happy ending ^^

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CF 2010

I'd be going to CF in times square on saturday XD
and I'd be wearing this there.... cos it wont look awkward~ everyone's cosplaying =3=
anyhow... hope to meet fellow deviants and art lovers there :D and make new friends of the same interest too :D

btw... the tanuki hat is really cute... I had no mood to draw today =3=
artblock is shiiiiiiiit~

Thursday, December 9, 2010

random doodles me and my friend did XD

rofl!! this is mainly all my stuff :D
she just drew one whole other page but destroyed it TT3TT
ahem... ugly woman who was supposed to be a man picture XD

here, I tried to fill up the paper :D

fufufu~ found this on my desk XD
I was trying my friend's marker... and we kinda got carried away =3=
cookies for those who can differentiate our art :D

nii chan??

picture of red XD
still thinking of a name for her~
apparently, she's kinda confused why her nii chan has problems befriending old wolfie, Tear :D

red: nii chan??

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


a simple sketch doodle before I went to bed yesterday~
a little boy, trying to spread his wings ^^
yesh, crappy... I know =m=
need more lineart practice...
kinda like the colours @u@

that's all for now! laundry awaits!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

what the heck red riding hood XD

After iScribbling with annie, we totally failed this epic scene.... will load it when she uploads ^^
and tadaa~ my retarded brain came up with these @u@
mind the crappy quality... my camera is ancient =u=

this is the so called big bad wolf, who's not actually evil =w= (other characteristics will be decided by annie ^^)
and red riding hood thar!!! XD
dear oni-chan's little sister :3

and this is supposed to be dear old little red riding hood's worried brother~
dont ask me why he's half naked =3=
just wanted to practice anatomy... epic fail still TTnTT
somehow, he's worried bout his sis... ALOT!!!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

boredom + flu

Im sick... with flu =3=
hibernated for 5 hours...
after seeing some awesome drawings... I was inspired to improve and change my colouring plus drawing style ^^ something out of the box and imaginative and surreal :3

thus, my retarded brain came up with this~ experimenting with colours...
it's still... so ugly =3= (experimental mode=quick sketch)
there's my new year's resolution...
to improve my crap drawing skills XD

note to self...
big eyes are a NO NO =Q=

Friday, December 3, 2010

HBD Aikii + hilarious comic :D

It was my tomo, aikii's birthday yesterday~ so I whipped her up with some OC love XD
it's misaki and hisato...
ahem both guys by the way!!! muahaahahahha... ( and friends.... I know you think I've gone insane... I know right, plus the "if kanda were gay he'd be better off with allen rather than alma" topic XD)

cough.... back to the story!!! jajang :3
seriously need more practice on colors and anatomy!

and she made this other comic that made me laugh my guts out!! :D
yesh.... her lineart ish beta than mine!!! love her lineart and colours so much!!! and she makes great stories =u=+
unlike someone who procrastinates and stares into the abyss :D

lastly happy birthday dear!!!! XD

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hong Kong goodies!!!!

just wanted to show u guys what I bought in HK ^^
in overall, the trip was quite enjoyable, weather was awesome, food was the best!!! especially the prawn dumplings and porridge @u@
I'll post more photos once my friend sends me them ^^
cos we practically took everything with her Nikon :D

so here we go...

bought the following volumes of my chinese novel!!! whopee~ love the cover art ;//A//;
and some disney merchandise XD
yesh, Im a goofy fan!!! he's too cute XD

my friend gacha-ed this at Ocean Park! She wanted Liechiestien ( I donno the spelling ) =3= derp... but my bro got that girl character!!! so, he swapped china with her and he just gave it to
me!!! <3 RABU~~

I even bought a duffy bear @u@!!! it's the hottest thing in Hong Kong Disneyland now!!! :D
it's too adorable!!!

I got this magnet clip thingy thru a gacha machine too ^^ I wanted the panda but ended up with this bunny instead... still cute ^^

btw, there's a friend of mine, who's a junior....
he's been calling me for the past two days~ which is really creeping me out =3=
so... Im phone-phobic now.... figures~

to be continued.. when my friend sends in those photos ^^
plus, my other best friend, Jes is back from Singapore for december holidays!!!! yipee~ XD