Sunday, August 1, 2010

tadaa! typical sunday ^^

yeah, it's a sunday! the day for everyone to stretch out and relax...
but not for me! I had to clean up my room!!! I feared that the termites would attack my stuff after seeing what they did to my dad's aquarium @____@

on the left : it looks as if a tornado hit my workplace! it's mainly my reference books... and some other crap.. :p it took me 2 hours to clear up the mess XD

on the right: after long hours of clearing, my room's clean XD banzai! and I put up alot of posters :D yesh, Im a pure otaku! me ish a comic neet XD

and I got to buy these babies!!! hurhurhur... I've been wanting them like forever >u<
it's thanks to my bookmark's sale/allowance/mum's big investment.. that I got to buy them XD

and the fan I bought from school festival ;//u//;
it's so cute XDXD lies down with pandas!

well, after cleaning my room.. there's good news and bad news
good news, I cleaned everything and it's all pretty now!!! XD

bad news, I cut my foot T3T and found out my legs arent really lucky this month...
I sprained my right knee.. it wouldnt heal entirely
I hurt my ankle when I lost balance when leaving the house... thanks to my sprained knee...
and now, I cut my left foot... thank goodness it didnt ooze blood X3

and that's all from my workplace @u@
CIAO!!! hugs new pandora's heart!! (volume 10) woot!!!!

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