Monday, August 16, 2010

feel so bleh!!!

booo.. it's those times again!!!
I feel horrible >3> for no reason, what the hell!?!?!?!
I get mood swings not much now compared to last year... thanks to exam stress =_=
I recovered from it after watching 2 months of anime XD
OMG... last year I was SOOOOO EMOOOOO!!!!
really pisses me off when the school puts a lot of weightage on our back... seriously!
I abuse my own sanity by sticking a countdown calender to that dreadful day T3T but what to do?? it's the only way to motivate to study TuT

will stop the complaining... and get it together...
I always find a way to make the emoness go away, but it's so evident that people can see that Im pissed...
example, tear paper into shreds and scribble on paper like a whacko! but then I sketch stuff out of that god knows what scribble =///=

goes off to finish chemistry report! @u@

and hello handsome XD sparkle sparkle!!

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