Wednesday, August 25, 2010

ROFL! rambo rainbow

apparently, me and my friend went to school in the morning.. and the moon was so ROUND!!!!
and my friend says that we can actually see the rabbit on the moon pounding mochi or maybe a man cutting down a tree there ( chinese folklore )
I thought that she was just kidding, mana tau... u can really see the bunny!
it's actually an optical illusion, but the shaded part really looked like a fat bunny!!!!
we wondered how it'd look like if rambo appeared on the moon... :D

btw, when we were on our way home from physics, it suddenly rained for a while and stopped..
my friend's mum was like, where ish the rainbow?? and we were like, what if rambo appeared in the sky with his machine guns and went AWWWRRFFF!!!!!!! XD
yes, both of us are kinda weird with our rambo rainbow fantasy.. >:D

a couple of rambo-tards >:3
we laughed our butts off... =3=


  1. LOll... wow you guys walk together to school!.. thats so cool!

  2. fufufu! acutally, we go there by my dad's car XD
    we can see the moon cos it's a LONG WALK to our class XD

  3. oh i
    I walk alone to school...;A;.. so its very lonely....orz
