Tuesday, November 16, 2010

what I did this week

just came back from penang.. used alot of money there =3=
and twas I bought these!!!!

u see a chinese novel (which is a miracle cos I sleep reading them )
da vinci code, yesh! Im kinda slow.. it's for the HK trip! finished half of the lost symbol :D
reborn MANGA!!!!! and Arakawa under the bridge anime!! very funny indeed ^^

I saw loads of artbooks there!!! durarara and hetalia!!! but, I had to save, cos Im gonna go to HongKong next week TnT
evil laugh!!! angpow money!!! XD

ish he not hawt??? I bought this chinese novel cos:
1) main reason is the awesome artwork!!
2) I hope I can well, umm... improve my chinese... it's totally suicidal for me XD
3) I want to improve my drawing???
there's a part two to this book, I've only got part one!!! and borders was selling volume two and three, but one was part two, while the other was part one!! T3T hope I can get all twenty books of the series, HK awaits??
the cover had hawt bishies on them!! especially volume 2 T3T

I hope they've got cute cheap anime merchandise in HK! <333
plus, I stepped on a bee today after a shower ( for no reason my house is infested with honeybees )
one of it fell down onto the floor, I stepped without knowing, and presto! a swollen itchy foot...
I even jumped all around on one foot like an insane person!
I asked my mum to take the bee off of my foot, but the thorn was left only...
thanks to science, I applied toothpaste to neutralise the sting... and it felt much better, only now it's itchy and kinda round... =3=
that's all from me today! JYAA ^^


  1. Hey did you go to queensbay or prangin??
    I buy my art books there..^^

    I use to buy so many anime DVD s... but now I realized it has quiet bad quality...and its pricey....
    I can;t believe I bought so many last time!!.../^q^

  2. Walao. So many books. Shimun yr going to Hong Kong?!?!? Waahh! Never telll. Have a safe trip. ^u^
