Friday, October 29, 2010

hello!! evil laugh XD

Im finally back!! XD
well, almost... 2 more days to go before pure freedom and sanctuary :3

since my maid was fired....
I had to do all the housework T3T
finally chemistry finished and I got some justice... TuT
I swept the floor... and mopped it....

to show that I lack housework skills...
and VIOLA!!!! my finger.... right hand T3T
no more drawing... and I've got exams on monday!!!!
I can have the ability of injuring my finger... because OF OVER SWEEPING!!!!!
apparently, I exerted too much force while sweeping the floor :X
and when I saw it, the blister had already popped... and the skin had already come off...
disgusting, and PAINFUL!!!!!!

see u dudes on tuesday =D
freedom XD


  1. When my maid went back to her main country...
    me and my brothers had to do the house works.. and i couldnt stand even hanging 3 clothes and started

  2. hahahas!
    I really hate laundry too!!!!

  3. @Shimun glad u hate it

  4. O_O;; Shimun so ganas wan ah. Hahaha

  5. no la!! cos I was keen on making the floor clean...
